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      Highest Percentage BJJ Submissions

      Highest Percentage BJJ Submissions

      The beauty about Brazilian jiu-jitsu is that anyone can do it. And everyone who does it finds their own style, their own game, and becomes proficient at their own set of submissions. This is absolutely beautiful.

      However, cool as it is to see this or that jiu-jitsu athlete doing some unorthodox submission time and again to his or her hapless opponents… I’m looking at you Ruotolo Brothers… there’s no denying that there are a handful of submissions that you tend to see the most.

      These are what I consider the “highest percentage” BJJ submissions...

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      The Complete Armbar Breakdown

      complete armbar breakdown

      Did you see what I did there? Armbar… “break”down…

      Aside having puns for days, as both a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and a social scientist, I’ve made it my mission to study the art of jiu-jitsu and all the systems within it. One thing that I’ve found is that there are a handful core principles underlying jiu-jitsu generally, as well as every submission and position individually.

      Check out how this applies to an armbar...

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      Essential BJJ Takedowns

      Essential BJJ Takedowns

      Although most of a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu match occurs on the ground, it doesn’t start there. You might be one of the best jiu-jitsu technicians in the world, once you’re on the mat, but if you don’t know some essential BJJ takedowns, you’ll always start at a disadvantage.

      So, what is one to do? Both wrestling and judo offer countless takedown options. Don’t know where to start? Here are six BJJ-friendly takedowns you should master...

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      Four Must-Do BJJ Competitions for 2023

      Four Must-Do BJJ Competitions for 2023

      With a new year… comes a fresh start to hit those competition goals. If COVID taught us anything, it’s to not take life for granted. This should include with your competitive jiu-jitsu career.

      Whether you’re a veteran BJJ athlete, who has amassed tons of shiny IBJJF medals, or brand new to the competition scene… I highly encourage you to make 2023 different

      Don’t know where to start? Here are four must-do BJJ competition options for your 2023 season...

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      Official BJJ Naughty or Nice Challenge

      BJJ Naughty or Nice Challenge

      While the “naughty or nice” list is associated most often with Christmas, I’m sure everyone can agree that reflecting back on the year should entail whether we were very “nice” or very “naughty”.

      Our behavior on the jiu-jitsu mat should be no exception.

      So, with that in mind, I’ve developed the Fighters Market Official Naughty or Nice Challenge, with some common things I see on the mat, and their corresponding point values...

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